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Rebecca W. S. More

Dr. Rebecca W. S. More is a Visiting Scholar in the Department of History Brown University, holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Brown. She is a graduate of Concord Academy, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia. She was the founding director of the Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching at Learning at Brown from 1992-2010.  Dr. More served as Lecturer in History in the Division of Liberal Arts, Rhode Island School of Design teaching on gender and social history in Early Modern England from 1994 – 2014.

Brown University Dean of the College, Harriet W. Sheridan, established the Center for the Advancement of College Teaching (CACT) in 1987, which was posthumously named for her, to serve the University teaching community as a locus for professional development in teaching and learning across the disciplines. Dean Sheridan believed that effective college and graduate level teaching should empower learners across the spectrum to realize their own potential.  The Center collaborated with Dartmouth College to create an early, innovative video to demonstrate this principle, Effective Teaching for Dyslexic and All College Students.

Under the leadership of Dr. More and colleagues across the University, the Sheridan Center supported faculty (including visiting, part-time and medical), postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates serving as teaching assistants. As an educator in her own courses, Dr. More worked to include diverse approaches to foster student learning in higher education, including the use of artifacts, close reading techniques, collaborative learning and careful assessment techniques to ensure that students were engaged in their own learning experience.